Забота о вашем ребенке
К сожалению, в комплект поставки младенцев не входит руководство по уходу за ними. Однако мы сотрудничаем с Департаментом здравоохранения округа Севьер, чтобы предоставить вам полезную информацию. Информация, представленная ниже, представлена в виде брошюр, которые плохо переводятся. Поэтому у нас есть для вас отдельные брошюры с разбивкой по языкам. Просто кликните на ссылки ниже.
Pregnant Women – steps to follow.
We provide you here with the steps to follow, and places to register, in order, once you know you are pregnant.
Women Infant and Children (WIC):
This program is offered to pregnant women and new Moms up to six months after delivery, breastfeeding Moms up to one year after delivery, infant, and children under the age of five years who live in Tennessee and meet income and program eligibility and guidelines.
We are located at the Sevier County Health Department (719 Middle Creek Rd, Sevierville). Call for an appointment 865-453-1032. Hours of operation: Monday thru Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
TennCare Medicaid.
TennCare is the state of Tennessee’s Medicaid program. It provides healthcare to mostly low-income pregnant women, parents or caretakers of a minor child, children and individuals who are elderly or have a disability. To get Medicaid, you must meet the income and resource limits. You can apply anytime for TennCare.
For renewals or subscriptions, please call or text Silvia Calzadilla at 865-384-2404.
Our mission is to minister to the needs of those facing difficult pregnancy decisions with life-affirming alternatives. Our vision is to have a community where every life is sacred, valued and welcomed. Our vision is to have a community where every life is sacred, valued and welcomed.
If you do not have a doctor, they could recommend one. They also do ultrasounds in early pregnancy.
Sevierville Clinic: 800 Park Road, Sevierville, TN 37862 Phone: (865) 428-4673
Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 9 - 2 PM (On Mondays we have a Spanish interpreter).
Healthy Families East Tennessee (HFET)
HFET is a free and voluntary, child abuse prevention, home visitation program. Families in this program have access to a food bank, baby necessities and safety items such as diapers, car seats and cribs. Enrollment occurs when the family is pregnant, or before the youngest child is 3 months old. Being a first-time parent is preferred, but it is not a requirement for eligibility.
We accept Spanish speaking referrals, using a translator devise.
To set up an appointment, please call Monday through Friday, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm 865-329-5808, or visit Healthyfamiliesamerica.org.
The Sevier County Health Department Care Coordination and Home Visitation Program: CHANT
CHANT services provide referrals and resources that impact pregnancy, child, and maternal health outcomes. Pregnant, postpartum adolescents and women, children under the age of 5, TennCare Kids and Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs are all eligible. Our communication is via phone and mail, and we have interpreter services available if needed. Pregnant women will be provided with a FREE playpen. To speak with her or make a referral, please call 865-453-1032 ext.6222.
Clients on Tenn-Care are eligible to receive a FREE electric double breast pump.
Request a prescription from your doctor. Go online to www.aeroflow.com. Call the number on the website. Request an electric double breast pump. You must provide them your complete address. They will mail it to you.
Программа Crianza Con Cariño:
Это программа в сотрудничестве с Tn DCS, V TN Voices и KidCentral TN.Доказательная программа воспитания детей формирует в семьях защитные факторы, которые при их наличии повышают благополучие детей и семьи.
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