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The Superhero Parent Education Program, founded by Conexión Americas, was created in 2018 to help empower parents from different ethnic backgrounds with knowledge to better advocate for equality in the children’s education.  The program focuses on advocating in three areas:

1 - Requesting accessible, clear, and transparent data.

2 - Requesting that parents are included from the beginning in any school’s Disciplinary process.

3 - Ensuring access to college information and support for economically disadvantaged student.

Originating in Hamblen County, this program was the first of its kind, and this is an important step toward equality for all students.  We strive to inform parent advocates who can fight for the children’s right to equal education.


The first day of school for the 2024–2025 school year in Sevier County Schools is Thursday, August 8, 2024. 

The enrollment process takes place at each individual school. Parents are asked to contact the school office to make an appointment for registration. School office hours are from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. If you are unsure about which school your child should attend, please call the transportation office at 865-453-3568. You can also find registration information online, visiting to the school page.

Students entering Sevier County Schools for the first time must provide the following documents:

  • Certified birth certificate

  • Tennessee Physical Form, dated on or after January 1 of the year of entry, showing that a licensed health provider performed a physical exam

  • Tennessee Certificate of Immunization, showing proof of state-required immunizations

  • Proof of legal residency in Sevier County (electrical, water, gas,  or phone bill)

  • Social security card (optional)



Registration was held on March 22, 2024. The process includes gathering information about the child, completing a kindergarten information sheet, and scheduling a screening date. Current state law requires a kindergarten experience before the student is allowed to enter first grade.

For kindergarten, children must be five years old on or before August 15 of the year they are entering. Parents or guardians should arrive at the schools as soon as possible to complete a registration information sheet and receive a Kindergarten screening appointment card. By the time your child enters kindergarten, he should be completely self-sufficient in the bathroom.

If the child is coming from another county, State or country, the parents most bring a document from the prior school with the grade completed and the classes attended.

The classroom supply list is posted online for every school. Please visit


Each school provides a 2024-2025 Handbook, with all the information necessary for parents and students, as well as the school calendar.


It is very important for parents to download the ParentSquare application, as it is a very effective way of communication between the parents and the teachers. This application translates to any language.


Attendance in schools in Tennessee is MANDATORY. A Tennessee student is considered truant at five unexcused absences and may be subject to legal intervention.


Please make sure you always update you telephone number and email address with the school, as it is the only way they have to communicate with you.


For any other information, please visit our website (simply enter Sevier United in google). Choose your language on the top right  (EN=English, ES=Spanish and RU=Russian). Go to RESOURCES. You will have 14 different categories under. We encourage you to visit EACH of the categories, as we have a multitude of services offered there.

There is a very important section for TEENAGERS AND PARENTS, with lots of Health Education brochures..

The Emergency Services section details all the emergency services in Sevier County. Families are encouraged to join Code Red for important notices.

We also invite you to join our Facebook page (Sevier United), as we post there weekly events beneficial to our community, as well as medical fairs, special clinics, job openings or rents available. Those are not on our website.

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